Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 10 conversation

A performance that impressed me was the 2009 national day parade.The performance at the floating platform at marina bay was magnificent.The fireworks was well syncronised and it was smooth and cool.The singers on stage was putting on their best performance and was showing the world their beautiful voices. This was 1 performance i enjoyed.

Day 10 picture discussion

This picture depicts a man and a woman entertaining some old folks at an old folks home. The man is currently performing a traditional folk dance for the old folks. The old folks seem to be enjoying themselves . I think that the elderly find their activity interesting rather then being cooped up in the home all day is not good and it is great to have some exercises to stretch.

Day 8 conversation

If i am given this chance, i would want to have my own food buisness.As i have this liking for food, i feel that i could succeed in this. Moreover, working in this industry will never have lack of buisness. We all need to eat, so i believe this will be a stable and a good entrepeneur.

Day 8 Picture Discussion

This picture depicts a woman playing with a group of children. In my opinion, I think that this is actually a childcare centre and the woman must be one of the teaches there. They all seem to be enjoying themseves. i think that they are playing games together. Playing together helps strengthen the bond between friends. i think that they wouldn't stop playing till they are tired.

Day 6 conversation

There was once when i stoled my mother's money to buy some game stuffs.Though i was happy back then, i am very remorseful and regretted what i did.i tried to own up, but the pride within me wouldn't let me.I realised right from wrong and i never had this kind of situations in my future life anymore.

Day 6 picture conversation

This picture depicts a group on girls at a stadium. It would most likely be their school's sports day and the girl's are cheering happily for their own school . They seem to be enjoying themselves and are rather excited as though their school are winning. In my opinion, the fact that the girls are cheering for their school is good as it instills a sense of belonging toward the school.

Day 4 conversation

The Bukit Timah Reserve is a place of natural beauty.The place amazed me with its wide variety of plants.It is surprising to have such a paradise here in Singapore, which is filled with only people and nothing else.I am sure that those who have visited this place would have the same sentiments as i did.

Day 4 picture discussion

This picture depicts a scene of a wheelchair-bound man being helped by other people to board a bus. I feel that those passer-bys who are also helping the haddicapped are really very kind and helpful. One example is the man pushing the wheelchair . As there is a steep slope to overcome before getting on the bus, the two men who are helping the disabled man helped alot . I feel that the man would probably feel thankful towards the people as they still cared about him despite his disability.

Day 2 conversation

I enjoy going to the hairdresser as i get to cut my hair and i will feel more relaxed.In my opinion , one's hairstyle reflects one's personality and attitude.I will be able to have a different kind of hairstyle from before and therefore , I will look like a new man.

Day 2 Picture Discussion

This picture depicts a group of women learning hairdressing. I think that these people arehere to pick up skills in hairdressing so that they are able to work or start their own buisness. They seem to be having fun themselves as they are trying out different type of hairstyles. They are all working very hard as they cut and trim the hair of the dummies, making them look nicer then before. I feel that their next job would be to learn how to wash a person's hair. This is because being a hairdresser needs to know cutting and styling a person's hair, and finally wash their hair.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I am a amicable person which loves to fool around.My classmates are always advocate to me.However, bullies are taking advantage of my kindness and always extort money from me.As i was loath and i blatant to them,they always take it as i am vexatious.


I am besiege by a group of people that wanted to teach me a lesson.The feeling on that moment was excruciating and i had the urge to ascend suddenly.As I was a runner in my secondarys, i was able to shook them off by a remote.From that moment on I found out i was in a afflict with them.I knew that i shouldn't run but if i did not, i would be malignant.


I am always assiduous in my studies but I am named after "retainee" by my friends.Though i think that I am consummate, this does not show in my studies.I am a person that is gullible in anything but when i was confronted with retaining i was about to fall apart.I am like in a murky place where i was alone with no friends...


I have a inane clandestine that i will never tell anyone about it.Nobody would concur with me in whatever i said.I have totolerate with all the nonsense everyone gave me in class as I am flagrant.i could not stand my "friends" distrauting me and I hate it when I am being left out.I feel like dying!


When I and my fractious brother would discuss where we want to go during the weekends, we would truncate the discussion and choose to go to Down Town East's E-Hub. It is a prestious place and a utopia for us. Upon entering, one can see all the flamboyant lights flashing from the ferris wheel. It has a lot of amenities such as a bowling alley and even a swimming pool. You should go there and see sometime. I'm sure you will not be disapointed.


I was at the mall one day, to me, It was a haven to go to. I was exploring the place, minding my my own business when All of a sudden, i could smell smoke being emited from somewhere. As i rounded a corner, a spotted a teenager puffing away on his cigarette. i shrugged with disgust. he should know that by doing this, he is actually jeopardizing his on health and others. Just then, a woman walked up to him.She importuned the teenager to stop smoking. At first, the teen disregarded the woman, however, more people walked up to stop him. feeling embarrased, the teen decided to stop tossing his cigarette stub into the dust bin, he walked off. i then decided to curtail my trip to the mall, i had no more mood to walk around after seeing that incident.


I was walking back home from school one windy friday. I was only a couple of blocks away from home when i witnessed a group of kids gathering together. Out of curiousity, i decided to have a look at what was going on. I was shocked to find them playing with fire. they were using pieces of paper to keep the fire alive at the same time, repulsing the flames so they would not spread. They were also plucking leaves from the trees and throwing it into the fire, watching in amusement as the fire razed everything into ash. Just then, a gust of wind blew and a small bush caught fire. Upon seeing the incident, some kids ran off while others immediately grabbed any water they had to douse the flames. The fire was creating havoc, buring the bush and grass nearby. Luckily, we managed to put out the fire before it got lethal. i watched as the kids apologised and scurried off before continuing my journey home.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

T1W1 Journal entry 2

People thinks i am a fractious person but i have got a flamboyant remuneration for being happy is have many friends.It is integral to eat many vitamins so i have enough energy to play!I am also schism for being fat!! WOOWOO!

T1W1 Journal entry 1

Studying is great. my diatribe about school was not serious.School time should be truncated in order to achieve utopia.I don't know why there are so many peeple in class excited about school.They let happiness elaspe when they study. Thier sanguine opinions on school makes my laugh.I am garbled on whether i should be hardworking.WOO!